Call for Reviewers - Annual International Conference

Reviewers are needed for the 2024  Annual International Conference proposal abstracts.

Would you be willing to review up to 4 abstracts of no more than 750 words each? As a reviewer, you will be asked to thoughtfully evaluate proposals and provide helpful feedback on the following metrics:

  1. ContributionABC strives to add value to discussion within the business communication field. This proposal contributes relevant scholarship or to pedagogy in the field.
  2. Purpose and GoalPurpose and goal are well-defined and related to current issues or questions in business communication.
  3. Takeaway and Outcome The conclusion and findings are significant and/or interesting to the field of business communication.
  4. Organization and ClarityContent is well organized and presented in a logical sequence. Writing is clear and easy to understand.

Click here to volunteer by April 26, 2024.

Abstracts will be sent in early May, with your review(s) completed within three weeks.


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