International Journal of Business Communication Contributors

The International Journal of Business Communication (IJBC) publishes manuscripts that contribute to knowledge and theory of business communication as a distinct, multifaceted field approached through the administrative disciplines, the liberal arts, and the social sciences. Accordingly, IJBC seeks manuscripts that address all areas of business communication including but not limited to business composition/technical writing, information systems, international business communication, management communication, and organizational and corporate communication. In addition, IJBC welcomes submissions concerning the role of written, verbal, nonverbal and electronic communication in the creation, maintenance, and performance of profit and not for profit business. IJBC accepts all rigorous research methods, including but not limited to qualitative, quantitative, and critical. IJBC conducts masked reviews in which the Editor, an Associate Editor and at least two subject-matter experts examine submitted manuscripts.To propose a special issue of IJBC, please review the special-issue guidelines and contact the Editor to discuss your ideas.

Types of Manuscripts Published

  • Traditional scholarly studies of 15-35 pages, excluding references, notes, and appendices.
  • Commentaries of 10-14 pages, excluding references, notes, and appendices.
  • Forums consisting of 2-4 articles organized around a unifying theme. Manuscripts comprising forums typically resemble commentaries rather than traditional research submissions. Forums might also have an introduction written by a “guest editor.”
  • Book reviews. Contact the Book Review Editor to inquire about reviewing a book.

Quantitative and Qualitative Guidelines

  • Quantitative manuscripts must report estimates of reliability for all dependent measures, variance accounted for in tests of significance, and power estimates when tests fail to achieve significance.
  • Content analysis employing quantitative measures should note intercoder reliability.
  • Survey research should describe the sampling frame (relevant population), sampling method, sample unit, and response rate.
  • Qualitative research must note standards used to ensure the quality and verification of the presented interpretation.

 Submitting Manuscripts

Manuscripts may be submitted directly at:

Manuscript Preparation

  • Submissions must be original materials not under consideration or published elsewhere. Write the manuscript in English, following the format specified in the PUBLICATION MANUAL OF THE AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION (5th edition). Authors may use either U.S. or British spelling, but use U.S. punctuation.
  • Remove all personal and institutional identification from the body of the manuscript.
  • Cover page: The cover page should include:
    • Manuscript title.
    • Name, institutional affiliation, mailing address, e-mail address and telephone and fax numbers for each author.
    • Information about the manuscript's history, such as public presentations, publication of any part of the manuscript, and if the manuscript is drawn from a thesis or dissertation.<
    • Manuscript. Submit as a separate attachment. On the first page include the manuscript’s title and an abstract (150 words or fewer). Start the body of the paper on the second page
    • Check the paper and references for accuracy. Write clearly and concisely using inclusive language. Refer to your own research in the third person, e.g., Smith (2001) shows that . . .
    • If your article is accepted, you might be asked to provide:
      • Some additional text formatting.
      • An electronic copy of the article (if not originally submitted electronically).
      • A camera-ready copy of any images.
      • Author notes (e.g., acknowledgments and manuscript history).
      • A statement showing that you have complied with the principles outlined in Appendix C (Ethical Standards for the Reporting and Publishing of Scientific Information) of the APA, 7th edition

Jacqueline Mayfield and Milton Mayfield
Texas A & M International University
5201 University Blvd.
Laredo, TX 78041
Email:  or